Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

This is definitely the best Harry Potter book in the series and I find it a little difficult to regard it as children's literature.
Some nasty fights between my 10 year-old and my husband while they were reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince this Summer: they were reading the same physical copy at the same time and whoever got up first in the morning would get to the book and would not willingly let it go for the rest of the day ... If by any remote chance the book was left lying around, the other party would undoubtedly seize it and keep it until falling asleep with it at night.
In a brief statement on Friday night, Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge confirmed that He Who Must Not Be Named has returned to this country and is once more active. "It is with great regret that I must confirm that the wizard styling himself Lord - well, you know who I mean - is alive and among us again," said Fudge.' These dramatic words appeared in the final pages of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. In the midst of this battle of good and evil, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince takes up the story of Harry Potter's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, with Voldemort's power and followers increasing day by day
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